Editor Setup
To ensure a smooth development experience while working on Wstack project, it's important to set up your code editor properly. This guide focuses on Visual Studio Code (VS Code), one of the most popular editors for web development. Follow the steps below to configure your editor for optimal productivity.
1. Install Visual Studio Code
If you haven't already installed VS Code, download and install it from the official website:
2. Recommended Extensions
Extensions enhance the functionality of VS Code and make development easier. Below are some suggestions of essential extensions for working with projects:
Here's a refactored version with better structure, clarity, and readability:
2.1. Code Formatting
Pretti - Code Formatter
Prettier ensures consistent code formatting across the project.
- Install Prettier via the Extensions Marketplace or run:
ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode
Configuration in VS Code
Enable Format on Save:
- Open VS Code Settings (
Ctrl + ,
orCmd + ,
on Mac). - Search for
"format on save"
. - Enable Editor: Format On Save.
- Open VS Code Settings (
Set Prettier as the Default Formatter:
- Search for
"default formatter"
in settings. - Set it to Prettier - Code formatter.
- Search for
2.2. Linting and Debugging
Integrates ESLint into VS Code for real-time linting and error detection.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
Debugger for Chrome
Allows you to debug your Next.js application directly in VS Code.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
2.3. Themes for Better Readability
One Dark Pro
A popular dark theme with excellent readability.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install zhuangtongfa.Material-theme
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
GitHub Theme
Matches the look and feel of GitHub's syntax highlighting.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install github.github-vscode-theme
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
2.4. Other Useful Extensions
Supercharges Git capabilities within VS Code, providing insights into code changes and blame annotations.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install eamodio.gitlens
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
Path Intellisense
Autocompletes file paths for faster navigation.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install christian-kohler.path-intellisense
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
If your project uses Tailwind CSS, this extension provides autocomplete and linting support.- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command:
ext install bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss
- Install via the Extensions Marketplace or use the command: